Features of the Employee Assistance Programme

Additional Health & Wellbeing Services Available:

6 face to face counselling sessions per case

(Also available by video and phone)

Access via free 24 hour telephone helpline, email or live chat

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Mental Health and Wellbeing 

Your Employee Assistance Programme 

Features of the Mental Health Support Programme:

For more information, contact us:

sales@spectrum.life | 01 - 5180356

1-1 Expert Consultations

Connect your employees with a range of Wellbeing Experts using video conferencing.

Remote Fitness Classes

Classes available for groups of employees via live video link.
Instructors can deliver classes from HIIT to yoga, mindfulness and more.

Live Wellbeing Seminars

Over 5,000 health and wellbeing seminars, workshops available across 250 topics.

Now available via video link.

Mental Health Training

Mental health education for employees, managers and HR

Workshops are available via eLearning or via video conference.

We fully recognise that the threat posed by the Coronavirus may cause anxiety among workers and their families. At times of stress we work better with support. Our EAP team is here to help manage employees’  mental wellbeing during these times while also providing them with information and resources to make their day-to-day lives a little easier. 

The service is also available to employees’ family members over 16 years.

Your Employee Assistance Programme

All available remotely via video link

Legal information, parenting, coaching  and more

Digital wellbeing portal, Expert Wellbeing videos, podcasts, blogs + EAP access

Brokers Ireland member exclusive pricing. 

Up to 30 employees: €400 fixed annual rate
Over 30 employees: Fixed rate plus €7.50 per additional employee

Health & Wellbeing support for Brokers Ireland Members

Diarmuid Kelly CEO, Brokers Ireland

Brokers Ireland is delighted to collaborate with Spectrum Life in offering our members access to a diverse programme of health and wellbeing support initiatives. Now more so than ever, the health and wellbeing of staff and colleagues is of critical importance in helping to motivate a healthy mindset, maintain productivity and create a culture of wellness’

Learn more about Brokers Ireland Wellbeing Benefit